kintone plugin series
Screen Display Event
This page introduces events related to the display of each screen.
Events before display on the record addition screen
- Target Plugin
- Event
- Properties of the Event Object
Property type Description type String The event type. container DOM MAIN element.
<main class="kb-injector-body"></main>
record Object The record object.
- Sample
(() => { "use strict"; kb.event.on('kb.create.load', (event) => { console.log(event); return event; }); })();
Event after display is completed on the record addition screen
- Target Plugin
- Event
- Properties of the Event Object
Property type Description type String The event type. container DOM Same as the container property of the "kb.create.load" event.
- Sample
(() => { "use strict"; kb.event.on('kb.create.load.complete', (event) => { console.log(event); return event; }); })();
The event object does not contain a record property.
Event before display on the record edit screen
- Target Plugin
- Event
- Properties of the Event Object
Property type Description type String The event type. container DOM MAIN element.
<main class="kb-injector-body"></main>
record Object The record object.
- Sample
(() => { "use strict"; kb.event.on('kb.edit.load', (event) => { console.log(event); return event; }); })();
Event after display is completed on the record edit screen
- Target Plugin
- Event
- Properties of the Event Object
Property type Description type String The event type. container DOM Same as the container property of the "kb.edit.load" event.
- Sample
(() => { "use strict"; kb.event.on('kb.edit.load.complete', (event) => { console.log(event); return event; }); })();
The event object does not contain a record property.
Events before display on the view screen
- Target Plugin
- Event
- Properties of the Event Object
Property type Description type String The event type. container DOM - List view:
Table element to place the the datas.
<table class="kb-view"></table>
- Calendar view:
Table element to place the the datas.
<table class="kb-calendar"></table>
records Array An array of record objects.
totalCount Number Total number of records acquired.
- Sample
(() => { "use strict"; kb.event.on('kb.view.load', (event) => { console.log(event); return event; }); })();
At this point, no DOM element such as a table that displays record information has been added in the DOM element specified in the container property.
If you want to refer to the DOM element, refer to the "Event after display is completed on the view screen" event described later.
Event after display is completed on the view screen
- Target Plugin
- Event
- Properties of the Event Object
Property type Description type String The event type. container DOM Same as the container property of the "kb.view.load" event.
- Sample
(() => { "use strict"; kb.event.on('kb.view.load.complete', (event) => { console.log(event); return event; }); })();
The event object does not contain a record property.