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kintone plugin series

Plugin Execution Order

On this page, we'll introduce how to change the execution order of multiple plugins installed on an app.

Checking the Execution Order

If you proceed to the plugin page from the kintone system management page, you'll see a list of plugins that have been installed on kintone.

The display order here is directly the execution order. So, if you have both Plugin A and Plugin B installed on the same app, Plugin A will execute first, followed by Plugin B.

Changing the Execution Order

To change the execution order so that Plugin B runs first and then Plugin A, reload Plugin B from the "Import" button on the top left of the screen.

There's no need to perform any operations on the app side for this change.

Click "Browse", and select the Plugin B file "***.zip".

The installation order will change, and consequently, the plugin execution order will also be adjusted.


While all plugins in the Boost! series can be downloaded and used for free, after a 3-month trial period, a message prompting you to purchase a license will be displayed once a day for each installed app. To use it without displaying this message, you will need to pay an annual fee of 10,000 JPY.

Check the message content

Boost! is based on a domain license, so there is no upper limit to the number of users.

The license and fee apply to the entire Boost! series, not on a per-product basis.

Move to the license purchase page

For your interest

This site introduces a series of plugins that extend the functionality of kintone. If you have tried using kintone but feel it does not fit well with your company's operations, we also offer a free open-source web application builder. This tool allows you to easily create a system tailored to your business processes, even without any knowledge of system development. If you are interested, please visit the following URL.
